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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
05/12/24 Numbers Class 5 Chase Schroeder Bible Class Recording N/A Sun Bible Study 2024-05-12_Class.mp3
05/08/24 1 Corinthians lesson 4 Curt Nettles Bible Class Recording N/A Wed Bible Study 2024-5-8_lesson.mp3
05/05/24 The Resurrection: A New Life Mason Venuso Weekly Sermon N/A Sun AM The_Resurrection_A_New_Life.mp3
05/05/24 Numbers Class 4 Chase Schroeder Bible Class Recording N/A Sun AM 2024-5-5_AM_lesson.mp3
05/01/24 1 Corinthians lesson 3 Curt Nettles Bible Class Recording N/A Wed Bible Study 2024-5-1_class.mp3
04/28/24 Instability Mason Venuso Weekly Sermon N/A Sun AM 2024-4-28_AM_lesson.mp3
04/28/24 Numbers Class 3 Chase Schroeder Bible Class Recording N/A Sun AM 2024-4-28_class.mp3
04/24/24 1 Corinthians lesson 2 Curt Nettles Weekly Sermon N/A Wed Bible Study 2024-04-24_Class.mp3
04/21/24 Faith and Fate - Daniel Chapter 8 Mason Venuso Weekly Sermon N/A Sun AM 2024-04-21_Lesson.mp3
04/21/24 Numbers Class 2 Chase Schroeder Bible Class Recording N/A Sun AM 2024-04-21_Class.mp3
04/17/24 1 Corinthians Intoduction Curt Nettles Bible Class Recording N/A Wed Bible Study Corinthians_Intro_4-17-24.mp3
04/14/24 An Everlasting Dominion Mason Venuso Weekly Sermon N/A Sun AM 2024-04-14_Lesson.mp3
04/14/24 Numbers Class Introduction Chase Schroeder Bible Class N/A Sun AM 2024-04-14_Class.mp3
04/12/24 Scriptures Commonly Twisted Andy Mitchell Special N/A Gospel Meeting Scriptures_Commonly_Twisted.mp3
04/11/24 The Reproach of Christ Andy Mitchell Special N/A Gospel Meeting The_Reproach_of_Christ.mp3
04/10/24 Justifying the Wicked Andy Mitchell Special N/A Gospel Meeting Justifying_the_Wicked.mp3
04/09/24 David Encouraged Himself in the Lord His God Andy Mitchell Special N/A Gospel Meeting David_Encouraged_Himself_in_the_Lord_His_God.mp3
04/08/24 How the Few are Different than Most Andy Mitchell Special N/A Gospel Meeting How_the_Few_are_Different_than_Most.mp3
04/07/24 Why I Am A Christian Andy Mitchell Special N/A Sun AM Why_I_Am_a_Christian.mp3
04/03/24 Romans - lesson 13 Benjamin Tarmann Bible Class Recording N/A Wed Bible Study Romans_-_lesson_13.mp3
03/31/24 The Resurrection: Our Hope in Jesus the King Mason Venuso Weekly Sermon N/A Sun AM The_Resurrection_Our_Hope_in_Jesus_the_King.mp3
03/31/24 Leviticus 3/31/24 Mason Venuso Bible Class Recording N/A Sun Bible Study 2024-3-31AM_class.mp3
03/27/24 Romans - lesson 12 Benjamin Tarmann Bible Class Recording N/A Wed Bible Study Romans_-_lesson_12.mp3
03/24/24 Found Blameless Mason Venuso Weekly Sermon N/A Sun AM 2024-3-24_Lesson.mp3
03/24/24 Leviticus Lesson 12 Mason Venuso Bible Class N/A Sun AM 2024-3-24_AM_class.mp3

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